Hello, welcome to Neil and Connie’s home page

Here you’ll find family photos and news, pictures from our adventures, plans for upcoming adventures and whatever else strikes our fancy. I’m the crusty looking guy on the right in the above photo (I’m always on the right) and Connie is the good looking one in the picture. The photo is from our sunset-on-the-beach 30th anniversary dinner in St. Croix, USVI (although I do admit to flipping it so I was on the right where I belong). The other photo is Connie on her 25th anniversary in Kauai on the way to the Secret Tunnel. The shot was taken on our anniversary; I made it up to her with a gourmet grilled halibut dinner later in the courtyard of a restored plantation mansion.

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Want to see our blogs? Neil’s Ramblings  or Connie’s Low Mileage

Welcome to the Laubenthal’s